The not 10 but 31 Most Important Steps to Better Google Ranking

Not showing up very well on Google?  Google has some advice for you. Check out:
The Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.

This short guide talks about the most important things to do for your website to not just bring you higher ranking on Go0gle Search, but also, and even more importantly, better customer response.


I have created a condensed version of the guide with an even more concise step by step approach. Check out my Top 10 SEO Optimizations in checklist format: — Google Top 10 SEO Basics Checklist

Unfortunately, the checklist I created is no longer available.  The site that hosted it is defunct and I did not keep my own copy.
Fortunately, the internet is a great source for all sorts of SEO Checklists.  I have found one that is 31 steps.  Not as concise, but is from an industry recognized leader in SEO reporting — ahrefs.  So check it out below:


The Google SEO Essentials PDF (above) and this SEO checklist are a good starting point to get your on-site SEO in shape.